Fun Bug Squishing Game

How many bugs can you squish in 30 seconds? Get those thumbs ready and squash away in our new bug squishing game!  It might seem like mindless fun, but the game is actually a really good way for the kids to practice using the mouse and improve their fine motor skills....

Free Online Club for Girls

Cupcakes are hip, Cupcakes are happening, and now Every Girl Is A Cupcake at The Cupcakes Club! Sign your kids up for FREE membership to a website that is wholesome and girl friendly, with a sweet center bursting with fun and games, contests, advice and regular...

Board Book Giveaway from Ziggity Zoom

Board Book Giveaway from Ziggity Zoom

Time for another giveaway! Author and Illustrator Sharon Pierce McCullough of has been kind enough to make available 3 sets of board books for FreeStuff4Kids readers!  The book titles are "BunBun the Middle One" and "BunBun at Bedtime", and your little...

Printable Play Checks

Printable Play Checks

The Printable Play Money available at FreeStuff4Kids is easily the most popular printable on the site.  I thought it might be nice to have some Printable Play Checks to go along with them!  The address area is blank, so the kids can practice writing their name and...

Cool kids sites all in one place

There's a new site called Alltop that you might be interested in that is designed to import the stories of the top websites and blogs and display the headlines of the five most recent stories. They have a kids section that FreeStuff4Kids is pleased to be a part of.  ...

Outstanding Educational Games Site

My son is 3 and loves computer games and activities, so I'm always on the lookout for age-appropriate games that he'll enjoy and get some educational value out of. I just found a really great site called UpToTen Kids that has over 1000 free games! The nice thing about...

Olympic Sport Color by Number

Are you looking forward to the Olympics? Here are several color by number sheets for the kids to enjoy while watching the events. Click here for the volleyball and here for the swimming sheet.