books1.jpgFebruary is generally a snowy, icy, wet, yucky time of year wherever you live, which means a lot of your time is spent indoors. Being cooped up inside can be difficult, especially with busy little kids so here’s an indoor game from to play with your preschoolers.

How to Play

1. Build a tower of books. Put a couple of big books on the bottom for stability. Large, hardcover picture books work well. Throw a smaller one in the middle of the tower to provide a challenge.

2. Have your preschooler pull a book out of the center of the tower – but don’t let the tower fall! This is a great game to teach preschoolers all about gravity and balance.
Show your preschooler how to press lightly on the center of the top book to keep the tower stable. Then nudge the center book out just a wee bit at a time. As long as they’re moving slowly, preschoolers will be able to feel when the tower of books becomes unstable.
They’ll also begin to learn how to shift the hand pressing on the top book to keep it from toppling over. If the tower topples, just build it back up and play again.

3. If your preschooler is able to remove the center book without toppling the tower, keep going! Repeat step 2 until your preschooler has removed all of the books from the tower.

4. Stack the removed books as you go so you’ll have a new tower of books when you’re done.

5. Play again and again!